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Bowhuntingteam Unicorn 3D Gemert is open

Posted by on 29 januari 2015

Bron: Facebook pagina BOWHUNTINGTEAM UNICORN 3D SHOOT 2015

5 en 6 september 2015

One of the biggest (International) 3D-Shoots in the Netherlands !

IFAA-style shoot with following classes:
Compound Unlimited
Compound Blank (unsighted)
Freestyle Recurve
Barebow Recurve
Bowhunter Recurve
Historical Bow

Adults: 19 euro (weekend), 12 euro (day)
Youth (till 17) : 11 euro (weekend), 8 euro (day)
Cubs (till 13): Free

A very popular and challenging 3D-Shoot in Gemert (near Eindhoven, Netherlands), with competitors from many parts of Europe.
Powered with Rinehart Targets !!!
And well known for it’s Saturday-Night Party !!!!

There is a free camp-ground with all faccilities (incl. showers) from Friday till Monday-morning.
Our kitchen-team will provide you with good food and drinks at fair prizes.

Entry via an online entry-form at our website:

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Beheerders: Jan Wout de Geus en Martijn van der Veen