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Archers Paradox up to the Limit !!! Extended Version

Posted by on 23 april 2013

Prachtige video van Daniel Yononindo. In november publiceerde ik al de verkorte versie. Ik heb gemerkt dat veel mensen erg enthousiast zijn over de Archers Paradox. Nu dan de extended version. Erg leerzaam! Het zet veel schutters hoop ik toch tot nadenken dat een goede afstelling, pijlkeuze e.d. o zo belangrijk is.

De auteur:

The breaking of the arrow at the end of the video was NOT due to a lack of knowledge on my part !!!


Several different carbon, aluminum and wooden arrows where shot from a 70 lbs Recurve bow ( a custom made KHAN by BORDER ARCHERY ).
Draw length – 29.
Arrow length – 30″

I started out with proper spined arrows and searched the limit !

That exploding arrow was a Port Orford Cedar – Spine 25-30, 100 grain tip and 30 inches long.

I was wearing a helmet and a good wrap of leather around my bow hand during the “dangerous” shots.

For your own safety, and also for your bow ( it`s akin to dry firing your bow ) please don`t try this at home !!!

A lot of knowledge has been passed on through history. No doubt here and I am thankful for that.

But I am no fan of dogmas !!!
A lot of what has been true back then has been proved wrong.

For example :

you must put a gap between the shelf and side plate for the feather to pass through – you can not shoot vanes off the shelf – LW for RH shooter & RW for lefties and on and on and on ….

Maybe it helps to prove some old dogmas wrong and helps some beginners to start with proper equipment to enjoy the fun of archery for a long time whether it be bow hunting or target shooting.

And don`t forget that the most important factor is to get the correctly spined arrow for your set up.

Special thanks to the man behind the camera … Heinz Hoffman

Idea, Concept and Music by Yononindo

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Beheerders: Jan Wout de Geus en Martijn van der Veen